Brow Services and Information
Love Your Brows
Are you a candidate for Permanent Cosmetics?
Please read. The following requires special consideration before permanent makeup procedures can take place.
You are absolutely not a candidate. Although there is no medical evidence that tattooing would have any affect on an unborn child, we don’t know for sure. So we suggest you err on the side of caution and come back after the baby is born and you are no longer nursing
Topical steroids thin the skin. Depending on the stage your skin is at, it may be too fragile to undergo a procedure. You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent makeup
Long term use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and medications reducing clotting time result in increased bleeding and bruising which will affect the implantation of pigment as well as increase the healing time
You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent makeup.
If you are insulin dependent, you are not a candidate for permanent makeup. Healing could be compromised and take longer than average. Otherwise, if your doctor feels your condition is under control, you may request a letter stating that you are able to undergo cosmetic tattooing. Special care should be taken to prevent infection.
Any disorders that affect clotting such as hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and platelet disorders could interfere with the implantation of pigment.
(or any person that requires prophylactic antibiotics before dental or other procedures) will need to consult their physician for treatment prior to permanent cosmetics. Uncontrolled high blood pressure and poor general health would be a special concern, you will need to see your physician and discuss the procedure to gain approval and a note must be provided to your artist
Persons with tendencies for this type of scarring are not recommended for permanent makeup.
Patients with epilepsy, diabetes, hemophilia or a heart disease of any kind should have a physician’s approval prior to any cosmetic tattooing procedure. You know the state of your health better than anyone. If you have ANY medical issues that you feel MIGHT be a contraindication, then it is suggested you get clearance from your doctor. You must wait if you have recently had eye surgery such as Lasix, cornea repair, etc. You will need to wait at least 1 year before doing any permanent makeup on or near your eyes as scars from surgery or injury must be healed for at least one year prior to service.
Microblading- a semipermanent technique for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows, in which pigment is scratched into the skin in fine, short strokes resembling hair, using a hand tool with a blade formed of tiny needles.
-ideal for clients ranging from full brows to those with no hair at all.
-not ideal for clients with oily skin or large pores
Powder-brow- a semi-permanent technique creating a soft powdered effect with a rotary machine that resembles using an eyebrow pencil or powder to create the brow shape and is ideal for those wanting a fuller more complete and defined brow
Combo-brow- a semi-permanent technique that is a combination of the above two procedures where individual strokes are visible at the bulb of the brow and gently fade into a more defined and complete brow as it progresses towards the spine and tail of your brow. (Most popular)

Brow Aftercare
Day 1
When you leave the studio, you will have a barrier cream applied to your brows by your technician. This needs to stay on the remainder of the day. Hourly you will need to dab at your brows very gently with a qtip in order to keep lymph fluids from building up too thick on your brows. No wiping, scrubbing, or touching with anything besides a fresh clean qtip every time. For the rest of day one this is all you will do to your brows.
Day 2-3
Beginning on day two you may gently and very carefully wash your brows with warm water, a gentle soap and your fingertips. Gently wet your brow area, place a dot of soap on your finger tips and lather on your fingers. Then gently wash the brow area for a few seconds. Rinse fingers then use fingers to rinse brows with warm water and pat dry with cotton swabs or a fresh clean hand towel. Do not apply any aftercare product during these days.
Day 4-21
Continue the same wash routine every morning during these days, but now ; Gently wet your brow area, place a dot of soap on your finger tips and lather on your fingers. Then gently wash the brow area for a few seconds. Rinse fingers then use fingers to rise brows with warm water and pat dry with cotton swabs or a fresh clean hand towel. Wait about 10-15 minutes after patting dry to apply a VERY thin layer of grape seed oil. Oil is to be applied only once a day after cleansing brows, with a a qtip or freshly washed hands and just enough to moisturize, not enough to leave a coating.
BASIC “what to expect”
Your brows will get Very dark and large, then very light, then look non existent in some areas. The at the end of your healing process the color will come back lighter than they were at the end of your first procedure. Then at your touchup they will be fine tuned and beautiful again. TRUST THE PROCESS. And baby them like they’re you’re newborn. You are spending good, hard earned money on this procedure. Why take any less than absolute perfect care of them?
It is important to know most clients will develop patchy areas or the appearance of fading after the first treatment. This is a two part process and the second procedure will complete the process by layering color and fine tuning the shape.
Your ability to follow aftercare correctly directly affects the outcome of your brow procedure. Once you leave the studio the care is completely up to you. If you are not properly following your given aftercare, your artist reserves the right to refuse any future service for you.
Failure to follow aftercare treatment may result in infections, pigment loss, or discoloration.
For the first 3 weeks after your procedure
No direct sun
No heavy sweating
No makeup or lotions
No picking or scratching
No swimming
No front face showering
No sauna or steam rooms
No hot tubs
No dyes or tinting
No shaving waxing or tweezing
No sleeping on your face
For the first 8 weeks after your procedure
No Botox or fillers
No sun or tanning
No facials or peels
No exfoliation or scrubbing
No electrolysis or hair removal
Keep bangs and hair pulled back and off the face
Elysium Tattoo does not have control over your body’s healing process. Healing is specific to each individual but do expect some swelling is normal for all procedures. The area may appear dry, uneven, itchy, tender, red, and irritated. This is all 100% normal. DO NOT PICK. These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis. Color will fade and soften anywhere from 40-60% . At the touch up appointment faded areas will be fine tuned. It is also important to know you will need a color boost every 1-2 years after the touchup to maintain its fresh natural appearance. You may need to powder and/or pencil over your brows even after the healed results. If you have grey or exceptionally light brow hairs, they will stand out against the pigment coloration implanted. Tinting may be necessary for these situations once your brows have fully healed from the touchup. Remember, this procedure is an enhancement to your natural brows, and a semi permanent one. Certain medications, illnesses, and medical conditions will require a physicians approval and written clearance. In this case, if this information is not communicated to your artist with enough time to inform you of such, a reschedule will be required to obtain said documents or a cancellation will be issued if the situation calls for it so please be as forward and up front with your artist as possible about your medical conditions. We are not here to judge you. We are here to help you obtain the cosmetic look you want and in the safest way possible.
The deposit/retainer fee is a $100 non refundable cost. This will be required to book your appointment and hold your spot. If a reschedule is needed, you may do so at any time prior to 48 hours of your appointment and still be able to be transferred to the next date available to you and your artist. If a reschedule date is needed and less than 48 hours notice is provided, you may lose your deposit/retainer fee. If a cancellation is needed there is no refund